Looked in my tank just before to see one of my rummynoses constantly falling on to its right hand side and trying to correct it self, it's head is still bright red and it is trying to keep swimming around with the group.
Tank size is about 300l, the other 29 are swimming around fine, and I did a 100l water change yesterday.
Ammonia is 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate test is unreliable so I never do it as i do big enough water changes and the tank is full of plants.
The other inhabitants of the tank are 15 sterbai corys 6 Angels and a BN a Pleco.
Tank size is about 300l, the other 29 are swimming around fine, and I did a 100l water change yesterday.
Ammonia is 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate test is unreliable so I never do it as i do big enough water changes and the tank is full of plants.
The other inhabitants of the tank are 15 sterbai corys 6 Angels and a BN a Pleco.