Rummynose Issues?


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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So I bought 8 Rummynose tetras and floated the bag for 15 minutes, then added water and released them shortly after.
It didn't take long before one went upside down and quickly floated to the top before recovering and doing this over and over again. The other 7 just swam to the side of the tank and hide there the entire day.
So I cut the lights early that night hoping they'd feel more relaxed the next day. Well the next day is today and I turn my light on to find 6 of them in the same spot of the tank, One of them is under a rock hiding from the rest of the group. There breathing is kinda fast but am not entirely sure how fast rummys breath. They dont really have the red noses that they had in the LFS and there still not feeding.
My Royal farlowella cat however is swimming about looking for the algae wafer I put in for him and there was neon tetras in the tank before this so am not entire sure whats up.
Of course, I've only just returned to the hobby and I don't have a testing kit with me at the moment. However I did put mature media the LFS gave me into the filter and fish tank to seed and quickly cycle the tank around 5 days before putting the rummys in. I've also put quick start in it to give it that boost it needs.
Do you think it's still too early to deem a issue? Could it just be stress?
Any ideas would be great, thank you.
Tank size 90Litres, Planted.
I have the Fluval edge 48L and after 4 weeks of cycling ( 1 week empty 3 weeks with 2 ballon mollys) I added 4 Rummy's. Its now 3 weeks on and they are really lively despite my Nitrite still not being where it should. I conditioned them in a bag for about 20mins then dropped them in. One hid for about 2 hours before he came out to play. All seems fine. Oh there orange head dims when they are stressed. My 4 took about 2 hours from introducing to brighten up. I am a novice but I believe they are not very hardy however my 4 seems to be getting me through a cycle. My temp is 26 degrees C and I feed every third day and change water twice a week until I get the tank through.  One Molly didn't make it.
Its been over 24 hours for mine and there not gaining any of there colours. Still seem stressed out and will not feed.
I took water to my "Good" LFS and got it tested. Zero ammonia, nitrite and some Nitrate. I watched the results instead of taking his word for it. So water is fine, I think it maybe overstressing and I'll give them another 24 hours.
Sounds like you were a bit quick with the acclimatisation. It seems like there was a bit too much difference between your pH & KH and the shop's.

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