I had 6 rummy nose tetras in a 110litre tank. I had them for 3 weeks and on Monday I added 4 more to take there numbers to 10. I got them from the same fish shop and from the same tank as the other 6. This morning I woke up to find one rummy dead behind the filter and another one in a death spiral which then died a few minutes later.
The remaining 8 rummies have bright red noses and are still shoaling and acting normal and I was wondering if it was a coincidence or if there could be an infection in the tank. I have had no other species of fish die and all the other fish in the tank look perfectly healthy. Just thought it was a bit odd about them dieing. Have just tested the water before posting this.
The water parameters are
Nitrate 10
Nitrite 0
General hardness 8d
Carbonate 6d
Ph 7.4
Chlorine 0
The remaining 8 rummies have bright red noses and are still shoaling and acting normal and I was wondering if it was a coincidence or if there could be an infection in the tank. I have had no other species of fish die and all the other fish in the tank look perfectly healthy. Just thought it was a bit odd about them dieing. Have just tested the water before posting this.
The water parameters are
Nitrate 10
Nitrite 0
General hardness 8d
Carbonate 6d
Ph 7.4
Chlorine 0