Rummy Nose Tetra Compatibility?

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Mar 23, 2013
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Some of you guys may have seen my 30 gallon stocking yesterday..after going to my lfs and seeing rummy nose for the first time I "had" to have when I get my 30g up (around two months from now) I plan on adding my opaline gourami (2 inches) and my dalmation Molly to it first. My question was do you think my gourami would try to eat the rummy nose tetras? This was my idea if there's anything wron with it..
X7 rummy nose tetra
X1 opaline gourami
X3 dalmation Molly
X6 loaches (?)
not to sure on the loaches, so someone else will have to answer that one.
but if you add any loaches in with what you want with the tetras, mollies and gourami then you might be pushing it imo
rummy nose tetras will grow to about 2 inches... just make sure you take that into consideration.
gourami will be about 6 inches
and mollies will be around 5 inches. 
for him eating them it all depends on how big you get the tetras, if they are small enough to fit in his mouth then he might go for it.
Gourami prefer the young supple fry of a molly to a fast long tetra. Mine are about 3.5" long and would definitely not be able to fit a rummy in their mouth.
I'd be surprised if a gourami ate a rummynose.
Could you be a little more specific about "loach"? It's like going into a restaurant and asking the waiter to bring you some "food"....

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