Ropefish And Angelfish?


New Member
Aug 12, 2016
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Hi new to the boards, anyway right now I have a 35 gallon tank that houses 1 angelfish and 1 pleco. I was thinking of adding in a ropefish and when I read online if it was ok I didn't really get a clear message. Now my tank has dense vegetation taking up about a 3rd of the floor and 2 rocks for hiding spaces. I have made sure that a ropefish couldn't find a hole to escape anywhere. Is it ok do keep a ropefish in this tank.
I'd say no.
Depends on the exact specie of ropefish/reedfish you plan to have, most grow pretty big. Up to around the 90cm / 36 inch range.
So  that would mean you'd need at least a 5 by 2 foot tank

These size of tanks tend to be around the 500 - 560 litres / 130 - 150 gals US in water volume.
I agree.  The tank size is the real issue here, so unless you have a 5-6 foot long tank, I would forget ropefish.
Alright thank you for the answers, the ones at the store were sub 6 inches so I thought if they were almost full grown they could live in my tank. The fish store recommended them for my tank but I wanted to make sure it was alright. Thank you for the replies
greenman444 said:
Alright thank you for the answers, the ones at the store were sub 6 inches so I thought if they were almost full grown they could live in my tank. The fish store recommended them for my tank but I wanted to make sure it was alright. Thank you for the replies
At 6 inches, likely still to be very young or juvenile possibly. So still quite a lot of growing yet to do.
As for LFS advice, these tend to be not to be taken seriously or with a very large dose of salt. Storeowners or staff really just want to sell you their stuff as quickly as possible and will say just about anything to get a sale.
Having said that, not ALL stores and staff are like this, there are some good LFS and good staff, sadly not too many of them about to be fair.
You did the right thing by far in asking for advice on this forum to get some idea if their advice was sound or not.
Good, keep this up in asking and researching.

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