Rob Rocks 120 Gal Fish Tank


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Dec 29, 2014
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Alright, I'm liking this forum, so it is time to start this thread.
This is my first tank in over 7 years. It is also the biggest one I've done at home by almost three times. I started with a 10 gal. and have done SA Cichlids, African Cichlids, Discus, and salt water. For some reason, I've always liked a large tank with lots of small community fish. I got this 120 gal. tank and stand for free and immediately started planning a Tanganyikan bio-type tank. As I was exploring stocking possibilities, I soon realized that compatibility and number of species wasn't much different from what I had done in smaller tanks. Not really what I wanted to do with such a large tank. I changed my mind mid cycle to go with your basic tropical community fish type tank.
After doing a very long fishless cycle almost to completion, I introduce eleven White Tipped Rosy Tetras. It's been a week and all has gone well. I added four Botia Lohachata and two Dwarf Neon Rainbows, today. That was all the LFS had of each. I know I need and want more of the rainbows but what about the Botias? Is a group of four good?
Pics to come. I need a proper background and batteries for the camera in order to get any good shots.
Speaking of LFSs, the one I went to today is one of a dieing breed. It's a bit of a hike but well worth the trip. I've tried searching on the internet for others in the area but they haven't yielded much. I'm thinking about having fish shipped directly by purchasing on the internet. I would appreciate any advice as far as sources go. I'm well aware of the logistics and cost of receiving shipped fish, but would like to hear about personal experiences.
Mbu puffer anywhere? 
The White Tipped Rosy Tetras colored up big time overnight and were at my fingers at feeding time instead of swimming away when I approached the tank.
The new additions are all doing well. The two Dwarf Neon Rainbows are almost inseparable and look good. Can't wait to get some more. Two of the four Botia Lohachata have buddied up and all four are extremely active.
Got batteries for the camera. Gonna work on pics later.
White Tipped Rosy Tetras - Day one:

A couple of the tank:


Dwarf Neon Rainbows:

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