i was running a drip system which pushed 200 gal per day into the main tank with a over flow on my sump this was run throw a HMA filter first which is bassically a ro unit without the membrain so no waste water
the problem with this is my ph from the tap is high 8 so the tank would sit on 8 and i would like it at 7
i think i have solved the issue
what i have done
is water into the hma filter then out of the hma to a T then run one drip pipe right back to the main tank as before with a flow tap
the other pipe from the T goes to a DI resin chamber then back to the main tank with a flow tap
this now gives me 2 drip pipes in the main tank blue to di resin white just from the hma
i can now adjust each flow with the water coming from the di resin which has 0ppm tds and hma water which has tds 50ppm this will add minerals back
i think it should work just fine
the tank should do a self water change of about 150 gal per day less than before but better grade water