Rip Little Buddy...


Fish Herder
Feb 3, 2012
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My one-eyed betta, One Eyed Willie, passed on to fishy heaven after looking very green around the gills (well, white actually) for a while with some kind of mystery disease. Fortunately it hasn't affected his pygmy cory tank mates. They seem to be celebrating by spawning, which is the first time I have seen it (or maybe the first time there hasn't been a greedy betta eating the eggs). Not sure whether to replace him or move the cories to a different tank and close it down.

Sorry to hear this, 
 One Eyed Willie.
How did he only have one eye, and how long did you have him?
I am sure you will miss him and when you see another you like you will know the time is right.  Check out Betta Resistance is Futile for some recent attractions.
Sorry once again for your loss.
Hope you get some baby Pygmy Corys soon, and well done for getting them into breeding condition.  How many adults are there?
Not sure if you have seen this as your location is missing.
I don't know, the pet shop gave him to me when I noticed he had one eye, that was about a year ago but no idea how long hehad been there... Ho hum.

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