Rio 180 Inc stand plus all kit and fish. Free of Charge.


Fish Addict
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
North Staffs
Equipment make-model-size: Juwel Rio 180 Fishtank / Stand / Filters / Heater / Livestock / Plants etc
Age and condition: Had this for 6 years, but bought it second hand. In good condition.
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: Daughters tank, no longer interested in keeping fish.
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: Free

Willing to Ship (Yes or No): Nope
Postage & Packaging Price: Nope
General Location : Biddulph, North Staffs

In Good condition, with heater, Aquis 750 canister filter, 2 internal filters (for flow), ornaments, live plants, a few fish. 10ish fish inc tetras, + 1 gibby.
Original T8 lighting working as intended.
Will need a good clean.

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A pity I live a long way away. About 3 hours drive! Heh

If no one local collects by the time you need to get rid of this, I might be able to arrange something but for meantime I'll keep an eye on this.

Good luck but reckon will go soon :)
Thanks for the reply.
Hope so, needs going before I decorate the daughter room. 2 weeks max.
I'll take it if it's still going I'm.not too fare away

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Still up for grabs. Decorating got put on hold.
External filter has leaked and stand has minor water damage.
Needs a good clean, but still free.
Hi Shaddex, apologies if it's a bit cheeky signing up to the forum just to reply to but this would be perfect for me.

I've had a Rio 125 running for about eight years now and have been wanting something a bit bigger for a while but have been limited by space where we are. However we're moving in three weeks to a bigger place with an alcove which is just crying out for a metre long tank which is why I was googling for Rio 180s.

As you can see from the picture below my set up is a bit cramped and I think combining these two tanks would be great, would be happy to make a donation to your daughter's favourite charity if we go ahead.

Thanks, Richard


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Hey im in biddulph, happy to take the fish of you,

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