Rio 125


Jul 14, 2011
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Just went and picked this beast up today :Dit had a plec (not Aure what kind, but it's about 5-8cm long) and a syndonotis (sp) not sure if that the right spelling o_O he's around 12cm and he's lovely :D

Other than that it has my 60 l8tr stocking
9cardinals and 3 ember tetra.
I'm picking up a pair of dwarf guorami on Tuesday also.

I have a nice sized anubias that I have cut down to about half it's size now it was massive. Filled half my 60 ltr tank in in all aspects.

Any suggestions on other stock?
Other than adding a few more embers.
I'm thinking on some platinum tetra
Was going to get some tiger barbs but now not so sure. Also clown loach?


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Edit: rehoming the synod and the plce is possibly a clown pleco.
Clown loach would be much too large for this tank, unfortunately. They get 12" or more and should be kept in a minimum of a 6ft long tank in groups of 6+ though 8-10 or more is better.
I think I'd up the ember tetras and get the dwarf gourami like you say (although I'd get honeys instead) and then perhaps a school of smaller cories (pygmaeus, hastatus, habrosus) on the bottom.
Habrosus are the ones that will stick to the bottom the most. Or maybe a few whiptails.
Okays no loaches then.
I do love tetras :)

Why would you get honeys?
Just curious
Already have the dwarf on order
Didn't have to pay for them as traded my anubias in xD
I'm not sure if loaches would be okay or not, hopefully someone else can say.
I'd get honeys since they're more peaceful (usually) than the dwarf gourami. Also most dwarf gourami seem to get DGIV (dwarf gourami iridovirus).
It's not treatable as far as I know. I'm not trying to scare you and really hope yours don't get it. Some others may have more info on it.
Oh I've had a pair before :)
I know they are prone to it.
I've never had an issue with aggression from them though

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