Just went and picked this beast up today
it had a plec (not Aure what kind, but it's about 5-8cm long) and a syndonotis (sp) not sure if that the right spelling
he's around 12cm and he's lovely
Other than that it has my 60 l8tr stocking
9cardinals and 3 ember tetra.
I'm picking up a pair of dwarf guorami on Tuesday also.
I have a nice sized anubias that I have cut down to about half it's size now it was massive. Filled half my 60 ltr tank in in all aspects.
Any suggestions on other stock?
Other than adding a few more embers.
I'm thinking on some platinum tetra
Was going to get some tiger barbs but now not so sure. Also clown loach?
Other than that it has my 60 l8tr stocking
9cardinals and 3 ember tetra.
I'm picking up a pair of dwarf guorami on Tuesday also.
I have a nice sized anubias that I have cut down to about half it's size now it was massive. Filled half my 60 ltr tank in in all aspects.
Any suggestions on other stock?
Other than adding a few more embers.
I'm thinking on some platinum tetra
Was going to get some tiger barbs but now not so sure. Also clown loach?