Returning To Livebearing Aquarium


Mostly New Member
Sep 8, 2014
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Hello, New to TFF.  I have had many aquariums in my time but have decided to return to livebearing.  My son enjoys trying to see if there are any fry yet.  I don't believe that I have ever had this must trouble with aquariums in my life.  I have had major issues with water quality in our new apt and once I seem to get it straight something else goes out of wack and we loss everything.  After several fish exchanges it looks like I have the weird water around here finally straight.  Now I believe I have ICH.  My husband is ready to pull his hair out. lol.  So I am here to relearn what it takes to be a good livebreeder carekeeper.
Welcome to TFF!

It sounds like your tank isn't cycled. Here is a helpful link or two:
What size is your tank? What type of livebearers do you have in the tank? Do you have a water testing kit, and if so what are the stats?
ICH is verrrrryyy annoying, but is fairly easy to cure. Can you get a picture of a fish with ICH, just to make sure?
I have a 29 ga tall and a 10 gal.  The 10 gal is currently empty so its just sitting and cycling.  And the 29 gal is the one with the ICH.  before the ICH outbreak all my readings were normal with the test kit. I had some mollies, guppies, and platties.  All the platties have now passed on.  I have some pics of the fish posted in the "help ICH" topic.
Sorry you are having trouble but hopefully I can help!
(I think what I got from that is that the water is fixed- so I wont say anything there)
If you believe you have ich, Turn up your heater a couple degrees, add a tablespoon of aquarium salt (Or any NON IODIZED salt)
and add any type of Ich medicine found practically anywhere. This should kill it all in no time.
If your son is wanting fry, try to get 1 male for every 2-3 females. Livebeareres will eat their children so be ready to fish them out!

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