Fish Crazy
I was advised recently that one of my female bettas had flexibacter columnaris. Most of them had slightly ragged looking fins but were behaving normally. The one fish had a sort of whitish translucent film on her tail and patches on her side which were only relly visible when she was under the light. So I treated with eSHa 2000. This sorted the problem out. I introduced 3 more females 2 weeks ago to bring my numbers up to 7. My oldest female died 3 days later, old age I think, then one of the new fish started swimming oddly, she was isolated and then refurned to the main tank. 2 days ago another one started wedging her self under plants and looking sick, clamped up fins but feeding ok. She died today, the returned fish died yesterday and the original sick fish has the film reappearing and her fins are starting to clamp again. Last week I treated the tank again with eSHa 2000. The water is consistent and good. None of the other species are affected, 7 tetras 1 endler an ancient corydorus and 1 ghost shrimp, neither is the non fancy Plakat female.
Please do not move this to the emergecies section as I think this is a betta problem ( I have had no losses in a year only female bettas in this tank).
What can I do?
Top picture healthy female
bottom return of the disease on original victim
Please do not move this to the emergecies section as I think this is a betta problem ( I have had no losses in a year only female bettas in this tank).
What can I do?
Top picture healthy female
bottom return of the disease on original victim