Restocking: Suggestions & Questions


New Member
Apr 8, 2009
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Hi all,
Not been here for a while - but time for some questions.
I have a 100l aquarium which is pretty well established. By this I mean it's been running for a long time, has a pump/filter that is more than really required for the tank.
I'm at the stage now water testing is only required very rarely and whenever I do test there are never any problems. So just occasional routine water changes.
It's feeling a little neglected at the moment - stock of fish has dwindled and I'm now looking to bring some more fish in.
Non-planted and the base is approx. 50/50 gravel and sand (divided down the middle of the tank).
Right now I have:
A group of 5 loaches who predominantly hang-out under some steps but make an appearance when there is food or it's later at night and quiet.
Could not tell you exactly what loach they are, but they are mainly brown in colour.
A single Siamese fighting fish - purchased because he looks stunning in red and we were told he'd be happy enough in a communal tank so long as there wasn't a second one.
A group of 3 neon tetras and a single ghost tetra who hangs around with them.
As you can see - we've lost some fish and up until now simply haven't replaced them.
I was looking to introduce further bottom feeders but wasn't sure if they would annoy the loaches. The loaches seem quite timid, don't want to upset them by introducing more fish at their level. So would Cory's be a possibility here?
I'd also like to add in a group of 5-6 other fish and not sure where to look. Tetra's are always fun, but possibly would like to look into fish we've not kept before.
We did actually have some gourami at the same time we got the Siamese fighting fish, but they just didn't get on with the tank. We unfortunately lost them pretty quickly and I feel I'm 100% to blame as they obviously don't quite like the same environment as the loaches, tetras etc.
So any suggestions on a 5-6 group that might fit in well with the other fish listed (from a community and tank environment point of view)?
We've had Guppies in the past which we've also enjoyed and think look great.
Thanks for any input.
Well... for starters more neons, I'd say to up them to 12
If you post a pic of the loaches we could id them for you and you could get more of them.
(I'm guessing kulhi)
You could try getting three or four female bettas and see how they get on with the male, just make sure you have plenty of plants and hidey-holes (which the loaches will also appreciate very much)
Agreed on more neons, and definitely please get a pic of your loaches. :)
I suppose if you are determined on getting different fish then at least bring your neons up to 6 and then get a group of something different.
I think one large group of fish looks better than multiple groups though.
You may want to rehome the ghost tetra so that he may have a chance of getting a home that keeps him with others of his kind.
Please do not put any female bettas in with your male. Females can be just as agressive, if not more so, and they could gang up on your boy, or your boy could end up harassing them.
Just a quick update.
I had my numbers confused and it was just a single Neon that I had. So we purchased 6 more and they have taken the other one in - so they are swimming around as a group of 7.
We have 3 X-Ray/Ghost (not sure if these are just different names for the same fish) Tetra's.
The Siamese fighting fish is still looking stunning and doesn't seem to be annoying the others.
To the loach's. I still don't have any pictures, however in a brain wave I'm 99.9% sure I've remembered that they are - as in the first reply they are indeed Kulhi.
What I don't want to do is add any kind of bottom dweller that may annoy the loach's.
Wife was very taken by a "sucker fish" that appeared to be making his way across the bottom of a couple of the tanks we went to see at the weekend. One of them was black and gold specced and about the same size as the Siamese fighter - doesn't that pathetic description ring any bells with anyone?
Thanks again.
I'd get more kuhlis as bottom dwellers. They do best in groups of 12+ and you'll see a lot more of them if you give them lots of hidey holes and a large group. They are very entertaining fish.
The one you describe could be a gold nugget plec. I don't have any experience with them, so I can't help you much, but I think it would probably overstock your tank.
With regards the Kuhlis - will "different colours" still hang out as a group? I think we have Black Kuhlis (as they are brown - why not call them brown kulis eh?) but I believe they can also be found in other colours.
Would like them to be a community, so wouldn't want to get some "another colour" and find they formed two distinct groups rather than acting as one large group.
They should ignore colour and stick together.
Personally I prefer to have them all one colour though, just my preference.

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