Restarting 15 Gallon Aquarium

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 21, 2014
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I am restarting my 15 gallon freshwater aquarium. It has a gravel substrate and is unplanted with a moderate amount of hiding places. I am considering stocking it with 3 guppies, 4 platies, an albino bristlenose pleco (this is a very small variety of pleco that should not outgrow my tank), a honey or dwarf gourami, and 2 or 3 ghost shrimp. What do you all think of this setup?
Seems like a lot of mid-top dwellers. It might be okay though. The plec should be in a 20g.
If you had sand you could get some little cories for the bottom level.
to TFF btw! Hope you enjoy it here.
Thanks! The plecos from my local pet store are an odd strain that never get bigger than 4 inches so would that be too big still?
You said they're bristlenoses, right? Those can get up to 6" though they are more commonly 4" like you say.
A 20g is the minimum for them, and preferably a 20g long. Sorry :(
A clown or bulldog/rubberlip might be okay, but still would rather see that in a 20g+. If you get that make sure to have wood in the tank. You'd want wood for the BN too, if you get one in the future :)
Okay, I'll look for those varieties or maybe some cory cats! Thanks for the help :)
If you get cories I highly recommend you switch to sand. Gravel can erode their barbels and increase chances of getting them infected.
Sand is easier to clean and looks more natural as well IMO.

You're welcome! Sorry for being a bit negative.
Oh! You also want a smaller variety of cory, like pygmaeus, hastatus, or habrosus. Panda might be okay as well.
Pandas would be the other pygmy, but they all like cooler temps so be careful. I would not house them on gravel, however. As Ninjouzata said, if not kept super dumper clean, like vaccuum the whole tank bottom for a while every day clean, they have a high chance of infection.
For any of the plecos you want a softer wood they can rasp, like manzanita or malaysian. They also eat algae wafers and lettuces, zuchinni, etc. They wont eat algae that much. You also wont see them tons, as they require the wood to live and would rather stay there.
I'm probably getting a small tiger or bristlenose pleco because if it gets too big I can move it to my 40 gal or I could give it to one of my friends for his 50 gal. :) Anyways, I'm worried about pairing a gourami with guppies. Does anybody have experience with this pairing or know if there will be aggression? If they prove incompatible, what are some other good feature fish for a 15 gal?
It depends on the species of gourami. Ones I would not be confident in putting with guppies include
- 3 spot / opaline/ gold gourami
- moon light gourami
- kissing gourami
- giant gourami
- dwarf gourami.

The smaller varieties like honeys, sparkling and croaking gouramis should be fine. :)
Ok I was thinking either honey or dwarf but it looks like I'll go with honey! Thanks for the help!
Yeah, really wouldn't risk it with the dwarf gouramis. Mine was a real jerk lol.
Definitely safer to go with honeys. Good luck! My honeys were so sweet.
I just picked up 3 beautiful male guppies from my LFS and they seem to be doing well. Don't worry, my tank is properly cycled. I'll update again soon. :)
Does anybody know anything about guppies that don't like light? These three seem to hate it! I've kept guppies before from the same store that behave normally, but when I have my aquarium light on, these little guys all huddle behind my filter. However, when I turn it off, they are active and act normal. Any ideas as to why?
Might be too bright for them. Plus they're still settling in.
I'd get some floating plants or any plants really to make them more comfortable :)
After further observation (and a little experimentation), I have discovered that it is the filter, not the lights that seem to bother the guppies. When they came out when I turned the lights off it was probably due to the fact that I just dropped some food in! I probably should have looked for more evidence before posting. Anyways, they are much more apt to swim around with the filter off after testing it MULTIPLE times. Either way, they are getting used to having it on (one is no longer bothered at all) and are swimming around more. :)

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