Replaced The Sand, How Long Until The Fish Could Be Put Back?


Mostly New Member
Mar 5, 2016
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Hey guys, last night I did a complete tank make over - most importantly replacing the old sand and gravel with brand new sand and dirt (Azoo plant grower bed). Everything else came from the same tank or a different, established tank. I got driftwood and some rocks from one of my other tanks while all the plants and the filter remained in the current tank. My question is how long would it take before the tank is cycled so I can put my fish back in - they're temporarily living in a bucket.
Unfortunately I currently don't have a nitrogen testing kit to provide these details and no pet stores in my area do water tests. 
Your fish can go back in straight away as long as you didn't do any cleaning and just removed the substrate.  There's bacteria already in your filter and all the plants, glass and other material you're putting back into the tank.
Just make sure you keep a close eye on what's going on in there.  By removing the substrate you have taken a substantial amount of bacteria out.  You can put some in an old sock or similar and place back in the tank so there's additional bacteria there but I never bother.
It would be best to get a test kit.  Can you order one online to be delivered to you?  Will a local fish shop order one in perhaps?
I plan on keeping a close eye on them. If I feel the need to do the sock thing I'll do it so thanks for the advice. I already ordered the API test kits on amazon, so I'll be getting them in a few weeks hopefully.
I am closing down a tank for moving, and the fish have all gone to a foster family in one of my spare tanks. I put new sand in the aquarium and took the established filter and all is well, the fish seem well and the tests with the API kit are all 0. As the previous OP stated, best to keep an eye on things daily just to be sure.

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