Hello Everyone,
About two months ago I went out and purchased some live plants for my aquarium. I've never had real plants before so I chose what my limited research told me were 'easy' plants. One of the plants that I picked up was java fern. The java fern was relatively naked when I bought it but now it is covered in many baby plants. The question I have is - when do I remove the baby plants from the parent plants? I've attached some (poor quality) pictures to give you an idea as to how big they are.
Thanks for any help.
About two months ago I went out and purchased some live plants for my aquarium. I've never had real plants before so I chose what my limited research told me were 'easy' plants. One of the plants that I picked up was java fern. The java fern was relatively naked when I bought it but now it is covered in many baby plants. The question I have is - when do I remove the baby plants from the parent plants? I've attached some (poor quality) pictures to give you an idea as to how big they are.
Thanks for any help.