

New Member
Aug 27, 2012
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So I was sold 3 pepper cories and "nutrafin cycle" after being told that it would be safe to add my fish right away.
On day 2, I noticed my fish were very lethargic and water was cloudy, so they sold me "nutrifin bio-clear" to treat new tank syndrome... If this first stuff was so "safe" then why I would need it, idk.. But bought it in hopes to save them.
I also have dipstick tests (unfortunately extremely inaccurate but the only kind I could find)
I also have done several large water changes, 50%. This is day 5, and this morning, 1 passed away overnight, and the other 2 are doing much better :)
As far as I can tell from the dipsticks, readings are:
Nitrite:possibly as high as .5%, the test strip doesn't measure anything below that..
Nitrate:roughly 20ppm, only tests in increments of 20

As I said, the 2 fish have been doing well since I decided to stop listening to them and have been doing large water changes.. (they told me NOT to change the water!!) and fish #3, I knew he wasn't gonna make it, because he was too far gone and never perked up when the other two did.

They also told me that it was totally fine to leave gravel in the tank, which now I know better, as they have trouble finding the flake food and it ends up making a mess instead. Not to mention I'm sure they would like sand better.

So should I ask my SIL if he can babysit my 2 cories until I know for sure things are safe and I have nice sand for them? (which I need to order online anyways) or would it just cause more stress for them? If the dipsticks are anywhere close to accurate, it looks like I'm pretty much out of the fire if the nitrate showing readings. I am getting a proper testing kit, but unfortunately at the mercy of eBay on that one lol.
P.s. If it would be too much stress to relocate them, how long should I wait to change to sand? Maybe keep the gravel for a few weeks, until the bacteria are well established, and they are more comfortable?
Bad advice you have been given by the lfs.

Corys are really sensitive fish and should only be added to a tank once it has matured.

I kept cory, and I had gravel as a substrate They were fine. As long as the gravel has no sharp edges.

Keep doing water changes. Increase aeration.
See if a member would send you a mature filter sponge for your filter

All you can do really is water changes.
or take the corys back to the lfs.
Then do a fishless cycle.
I phoned the LFS and told them the things they sold me did not work, that the fish were very lethargic until I started doing 50% water changes daily and then 2 picked up, the 3rd passed away. And I asked if there was any way I could bring the other two back for store credit until the tank matured enough, and they refused.. Said that they don't have a tank they could keep them in.. And that they will surely die from stress.. They accused me of killing my fish because I did water changes!! I told them that I tried their treatments first, and when they were obviously not working, I tried a water change as a last resort, and only then did my two fish pick up, the third was just too far gone. Then she put me on hold for 15 minutes, then hung up on me!! So I called them back and asked if I could at least return the dipsticks as they are faulty.. They at least agreed to that..
I'll continue to do big water changes until I get my API master tester in the mail, and my filter had pantyhose wrapped in the pipe to slow things down for my betta, but took it off and had to remove him to a fishbowl for now, until I get things straightened out, so there's plenty of aeration in there now.

Thank you for replying btw :D
I phoned the LFS and told them the things they sold me did not work, that the fish were very lethargic until I started doing 50% water changes daily and then 2 picked up, the 3rd passed away. And I asked if there was any way I could bring the other two back for store credit until the tank matured enough, and they refused.. Said that they don't have a tank they could keep them in.. And that they will surely die from stress.. They accused me of killing my fish because I did water changes!! I told them that I tried their treatments first, and when they were obviously not working, I tried a water change as a last resort, and only then did my two fish pick up, the third was just too far gone. Then she put me on hold for 15 minutes, then hung up on me!! So I called them back and asked if I could at least return the dipsticks as they are faulty.. They at least agreed to that..
I'll continue to do big water changes until I get my API master tester in the mail, and my filter had pantyhose wrapped in the pipe to slow things down for my betta, but took it off and had to remove him to a fishbowl for now, until I get things straightened out, so there's plenty of aeration in there now.

Thank you for replying btw :D

That ****** me off so much!!! Where do you live? I will mail you some media if you are in the US.
That really is horrible... it's more like /they/ killed your fish by giving you terrible advice and selling you useless products just for your money... *sigh*

Fish-in cycles will be really tough, doing lots of water changes everyday.. I would suggest only doing fish-in cycle if you absolutely can't find anyone to hold onto your fish for awhile. But otherwise, definitely find them a home where they will be safe from high ammonia levels until you cycle your tank.
Ok; I'm gonna cross my fingers that my son-in-law still has his tank set up and can babysit them till it's safe for them.
What really bothers me is that they would Knowingly let these fish suffer!! :(
Hmm; so I was talking to him for a few mins last night; babysitting is out so I gotta do this the hard way. The tank is still set up, but they still have a goldfish in it, and the main tank I think they would get along with, but he has a large community in there and I wouldn't want to risk them being wiped out if there's an unseen disease with these two. The little guy that passed on, seemed to look ok, other than he had a bit of a distended belly which seemed like I could see his insides. Don't know if that's normal.

So anyways, I'm not sure if he knows about the media filter thing. What is the best way to do it so there is maximum benefit?

BTW my two cories (I think they're both gals) are doing wonderful today :) so I have high hopes :)

Wondering if the reason it didn't work, was because I put the baggy water they came in, into my tank, and as I was pouring I realized it was pee yellow (ewww!) I'll have to look into another pet store lol. And because of the pantyhose, along with the nasty water, instead of getting some good bacteria like I'd hoped, prolly had an ammonia spike instead. Doh!
Wondering if the reason it didn't work, was because I put the baggy water they came in, into my tank, and as I was pouring I realized it was pee yellow (ewww!)

ewww indeed, how long did you float the bag for, i usually float for about 30 mins and then add a little of my tank water to the bag then about 15 mins later use a net to put fish into tank, i never put shop water in
Test the bag water for ph.
It will give you a better understanding on how long to climatize the new fish for.
She told me to float bag for 15 mins, but I floated it for roughly 30 mins. Thanks, that's good to know; next time I add fish I will do that :)

Yes he should have some filter media, I was going to ask how exactly to do that.. I don't think he knows how to do it that way, as he never offered me any.

For now, I'm still doing heavy water changes daily, until I can get the tester kit in the mail. My two remaining cories are really active now :) if I notice them sitting on the bottom at all, I've been doing my daily water change asap and they perk back up. The waters are crystal clear, tho there's a wee bit of a fishy smell still.

Thanks again for all your help :)
Hmm... This is strange.. But they appear to possibly be mating.. Now that I look close, one does appear chubbier than the other..

Chased each other up and down the glass for awhile, like rubbing on each other, then the larger one keeps tackling the smaller one, going underneath, then swimming off somewhere in the tank, then repeating. I don't see any eggs tho.

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