Red Terrors


Fish Addict
Sep 15, 2011
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Just wanted to ask opinions of them ? i havent got any but some wild juvies have come available and was wondering about the rareness of them and general behaviour
you'll need a big tank to keep them at adult size. That's about all I know!
yeah, they will have to be shipped in from the USA at 1.5 inches. its a temptation i must admit and they aren't expensive for the shipping or fish price.

could be a very good breeding project for someone
they do apparently spawn when quite young (1yr old) and relatively small (6"), but housing them at adult size would certainly be a challenge. Anywhere between 12"-20" apparently.
yeah i just checked and they need a 7 footer. will give it a miss.

they are listed Wild Caught Rio Tumbes Red Terrors.
Red terror is one of my dream fish. My LFS even got one in-stock just so i could check it out, she's growing nice too :hey:
They are on eBay. Search jeff rapps on eBay, and the shop selling those fish are the ones with the wild red terrors. They are £14 each £14 delivery. They will ship them from the USA
They are on eBay. Search jeff rapps on eBay, and the shop selling those fish are the ones with the wild red terrors. They are £14 each £14 delivery. They will ship them from the USA

Don't have a suitable tank :sad:
Tbh even though it's an awesome fish, not sure i'd personally get one as it'd limit stocking like mad - unless i had a good few tanks anyway :lol:
I’m currently keeping a breeding pair F1 generation, approx. 2 years old, male is about 9” and female about 6”, they did start to breed at a small size, which meant the male’s kept growing whereas the female hasn’t grown as much. They're not quick growers.

Absolutely stunning fish but not as interactive as some other cichlids, female actually appears more confident with humans then the male, but the male is a brute, on his 2nd female, beat the first female to death, I now keep a divider in the tank with a hole big enough for the female to pass through for her own protection.

Glad I’ve kept them, but would rather keep more interactive fish next time as not much to watch unless they’re in breeding mode.

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