Got some more pictures of some of my finches as well as my Rosa Bourkes.
So starting off we have Bourke the male Rosa Bourke.
And now his hen Rose.
She is pink as well just not as bright and the full sun has washed her colour out.
They are a native grass parrot, but of course the pink form is not wild. They are also semi nocturnal liking to fly around at dusk and predawn, they also make soft twittering calls much like finches.
Male Black Faced finch
This guy is another Aussie native, his hen is sitting tight on some eggs and he seems to be sitting on eggs in a totally different nest.
Now for some non-native finches, below is a male Strawberry finch
And my pretty little male Cuban finch out in the sun, showing off his vibrant yellow head gear.
Hope you like them
. I am yet to get my male red faced Gouldian to co-operate and stay still in the sunlight or even the Red Cheeked Cordon Bleus, let alone the St Helenas and the strawberries.