Red Spots On Goldfish's Head


New Member
Jan 14, 2013
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I have a 3 year old goldfish, 20 gal tank, he's about 4 inches long, he keeps growing and growing, Iam planning on buying a bigger tank.
-Ammonia levels are normal
It's almost a month since he has some red spots on his head, he doesn't look sick, he eats and swims as usual, Iam worried cause the spots don't seem to fade, or change size or color, is it normal?


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Can you post the actual numbers from your tests, please?
ammonia level is .25 is not 0 i just checked, at least for my goldfish is still a good parameter, ammonia levels are always 0-.25 on the tank and he seems to be ok, its just the red spots on his head that I dont know what they are.
These kinds of 'spots' are very difficult to diagnose, I'm afraid. I would start off by doing a 50% water change every day for a week and see if he improves.

Also check all your decorations for any sharp edges that he might be scraping himself on.

Do post back if he doesn't get any better
Are you running double filteration?
Do the red spots look like there on top of the skin or beneath the skin?
hi! they look under his skin, at first I thought it was blood, I have been doing partial water changes, but he looks the same,
thank you very much for the advice :) , ill keep making them to see if he gets better, could it be they're spots of old age or something?
I checked for comet goldfish but found no answer for that.
Come to think of it now when I had fancy goldfish I sure one of mine had them red spots on the head.
Just make sure it doesn't look like bleeding beneath the skin as that can be septicemia.
If any changes don't hesitate to post back.
Good Luck.
UPDATE: my goldfish is at the bottom of the tank and doesnt move ): I already made a 25% water change yesterday, but doesnt seem to change, i ran out of the strips to measure ammonia.
he just died :/ apparently water was too hot... I came out of school to change him to a cooler place, but it was too late.
80-82 F, his tank had never been that hot, and there was no other sign of sickness
Bless Him. Sorry for your loss.
Did the red spot change look like bleeding beneath the skin?
no, i checked him out of the water to look at the red spots, but didnt look like they were bleeding,
they looked more like part of his colors :/ thanks for everything!
My goldies are kept in a heated tank, around 80F, i've never had an issue with it.
Sorry for your loss

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