i had noticed some red gills on my neon tetras and my danios, is this normal? if not do i add my melafix to the tank to help with healing this little issue ( seems to be a slight red tint to the gills, my tetras also seem to have lost the red tink on the lower half of their bodys as well)
tank size 20 gal
Tank tempt 76-78 D/F
things added to tank
Plant food(API reccomended), Melafix(not added yet), and Stress Coat/Stress+zyme
6 tetras(4 neons, 2 black-finned tetras)
2 snails(black Mystery Snails)
1 Albino catfish
4 Danios( had 6 but 2 died a day after i got them )
the tank has also been set up for about 6 months now
tank size 20 gal
Tank tempt 76-78 D/F
things added to tank
Plant food(API reccomended), Melafix(not added yet), and Stress Coat/Stress+zyme
6 tetras(4 neons, 2 black-finned tetras)
2 snails(black Mystery Snails)
1 Albino catfish
4 Danios( had 6 but 2 died a day after i got them )
the tank has also been set up for about 6 months now