Red Face And Ich From It, Help!

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Mostly New Member
Jul 28, 2013
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There was nothing wrong when I went to sleep last night. They all ate, no signs of anything wrong, all swam and didn't lie there. Woke up, checked, one fish has a red face.
It is a white angelfish, and it's whole face was completely red and ich had started. What disease is this and what do I treat it with? This happened once before and killed 2-3 fish each day until I put some collodial silver in it since methylene blue and fungus cure didnt work. I already have the fish quarantined and put a bit of silver in, but what is it?
Water is perfect, I changed 9 gallons last night too. It's a 55g tank.
Sorry the picture is bad, I have school right now.


  • 2014-05-07 08.22.02.jpg
    2014-05-07 08.22.02.jpg
    25.5 KB · Views: 206
Do a water change 50 percent.
whats the ammonia reading....
How many fish and which type?
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph?
You need to treat for the ich.
You might as well treat the whole tank  Ich nediication.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
Raise temp to 30.
Increase aeration.
The red face on the angle. Does it look red on top of skin or below.
Make sure it does look like bleeding beneath the skin.
Is the mouth area also red?

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