Red Clawed Crab 'pinchie'


New Member
Jan 29, 2013
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Help! I bought 2 red craw crabs (Thai red crabs). One of them died within 2weeks and about 2-4 days after moulting. Me and my partner think that pinchie attacked him ( even though we did supply hiding places). Pinchie has moulted and we have since added other fish ( 8 neon tetras and 2 green barbs; possibly breeding pair) we havnt had any problems with the fish attacking pinchie. More the other way round.

Pinchie moulted about 3weeks ago now. My first question is how long does it take for the shell to grow back and start to moult again? The reason I ask is because he appears to be moulting again and it seems too soon. I read it is usually around every 6weeks. Could this still be a possibility?

He still manages to climb up onto his wooden log and has been venturing in and out of the water but when I checked on him earlier I found him upside down in the water; still on his log. My partner picked him up and confirmed he was still alive. I put him back in the water high up on his log but he still seems lifeless. He also hasn't eaten for the last two days. Usually he is active at feeding time and quick to send other fish away. Now he doesn't seem bothered when other fish are near him and he won't eat anything. I even tried him with a slice of cucumber and still nothing.

Is he moulting again or is he dying? Please help. Info on these crabs is hard to find. Thank you :)
Pinchie answered my question this morning. He was dead when I woke up. :(
sorry for your loss, what and how were you feeding him, i understand they are fed useing feeder tubes
G' Day and Welcome to the forum.

Sorry to read that you lost your crabs, if you decide to get some more you should find some useful information on them in this section of the forum

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