Red Blue Green Algae


New Member
Jun 27, 2014
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There has been a growth of red blue green algae in my tank. I have research online and the results have led to this bacteria being the problem. There is only a bit of it, on the top of my thermometer and some mixed within the gravel. What is the cause of this and how can I stop it? Will buying more plants help? Is it poisonous or harmful to the fish? I have White Clouds and Otos at the moment. Oh, and are there are recommended floating plants?
Also, will ALGAEFIX do anything because it's technically a bacteria and not an algae?
do you have any pictures of this algae at all? is it diatoms you speak of not really seen a red algae but item ore brown. how long has the tank been setup and do you add ferts and co2 into the tank? also how long is your light on for
i don't really know floating plants, but no the algae is not poisonous to the fish one eat it as part of there food

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