Red Bellied Pacu


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
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I need help! I have a wonderful, adorable, people loving Red Bellied Pacu who needs a new home. He's been my husband's pet (child)since he was smaller than a quarter(nine years.) My husband has spent an enormous amount of time with Macu.Four to six hours a day was the norm for years, playing chase or "weeee" - a game that required Macu to react to voice commands or quieter times together involving who can touch the softest - my husband's hand down Macu's lateral line, or anywhere on the body verses Macu's steel jaws that could crush a walnut, seeing how softly he could nibble on fingers or arms. This all might end in my husband grabbing a mask & snorkel and the two playing under water.
Until the last year, Macu has been hand fed and enjoys human touch. He's very gentle and extremely friendly. Numerous times I've checked on my husband to find him sleeping in his recliner next to the tank and the fish right there - head to head! They have been almost inseparable - hence my sign on as fishwidow...
My husband has become quite sick in the last few years and sadly, his health prevents him from being able to get his hands into the water,or breathe the air in the room, due to sensitivity to the normal pathogens that the tank produces, and he is unable to care for Macu as he used to. This being the most important & last of 13 tanks,we're desperate to find him a new home - someone who will love him the way we do.... Hoping someone out there will lead us to his new parents.
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