Recommend Me A Filter


Fish Crazy
Jan 9, 2012
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Hi all, I havent been on here for some time now, but iv been away too long and need to set up a new tank.
My new tank is 24" x 12" around 100L.
Its going to be mostly for  Danio erythromicron which come from lake Inle and need gentle filtration. I would prefer an external filter for ease of maintenance but open to other ideas. 
It will be lightly planted with Java Moss and floating plants, maybe some Java fern. It has standard lights that came with the tank.
Any ideas please
I have sunsun 403B canisters on both my tanks, which are great and very gentle flow.  The 403 will be too big for your size tank, but look at one of the sunsun's for the size you have. 
I use the ZooMed 501. It's a small canister but works well on smaller tanks up to 110 liters or so.
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I don't know the brand but in terms of configuration that's exactly like the 501.
Do they go bigger than that ?
150 l/ph max filter for a 100 litre tank will not hardly offer much more than 1 X turnover which may be a light flow but would also be  be pushing things unless you're really lightly stocked
I don't know about the ebay one but the one I use is rated for up to 30 gallons US.

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