Reccommend Another Fish?


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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Hey guys, long time no chat. :) My tank is still doing good and I'm considering getting another fish. The tank is 37 gallons and I currently have a clownfish, midas blenny, and mated pair of flame hawkfish. I'm not sure whether I should get another fish or not so I would like your opinions on that. If I do get one, I've been considering some type of pseudochromis, or a six line wrasse. I want something that will swim around more, because the blenny and hawkfish hang out on the rocks most of the time. Any ideas?
Hey guys, long time no chat. :) My tank is still doing good and I'm considering getting another fish. The tank is 37 gallons and I currently have a clownfish, midas blenny, and mated pair of flame hawkfish. I'm not sure whether I should get another fish or not so I would like your opinions on that. If I do get one, I've been considering some type of pseudochromis, or a six line wrasse. I want something that will swim around more, because the blenny and hawkfish hang out on the rocks most of the time. Any ideas?

You have a mated pair of Scarlet hawkfish :wub: how lovely.

Take a look at ben's flasher wrasse :drool:

Seffie x

Either choice would be good. Great to see you again man :)
I think I'll be getting a sixline within a few weeks. My first choice was the candy hogfish, but the colors are too similar to my current fish and I wanted something a little bit different. Oh, and the hogfish are about $40 more than sixlines in my area. :blink: Thanks guys.

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