Reason For & Cure


Mostly New Member
Oct 30, 2013
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My Golds & Karps rear fins & dorsal fins are zagged or do not have smooth edge.What is the reason for that & cure or what to do to prvent that?I have one oranda which is having bit of injury on its side how to treat that?
How big is your tank, what fish are in it and how long has it been set up? Is it filtered?
Gold,karps & dollar fish are there.It is 85 liter tank.Yes it is filtered with air pump & heater
cold water fish should not be kept with tropical fish.
its bad, and unhealthy for both fish if you have heater or no heater.
what are the stats of the tank?
how long have you had it up and running?
what other fish are in there?
what cycle did you do? how long?
also IMO i think that carps are considered pond fish, which need a very large body of water to flourish.
now with the size of tank you have is way to small for what you have. carp get huge! not an expert on them, but believe the average fancy goldfish needs 30 gallons, then 10 gallons for each other goldfish added... carp should be rehomed for the better for the fish, because you have a 22 gallon i would recommend on only having small fish like tetras.
I will try to move out karps slowly but here we get only karps that g along Gold.Suggest any other variety if any.Also can fighter fish be kept in that aquarium .Also I have turles in the same tank.I found one turle(they are very small) nipping fins of Gold.Why they are doing so?We will be having cold climate ahead here.
Turtles should not be kept with fish.

The turtle is trying to catch them, that's why it's nipping the goldfish's fins.
Okay.But they have white spots too on body on fins & body.I have not plave for turtles as of now.Will try moving them to someother but for now I have no place extra for them.
Do the white spots look like grains of salt or sugar? Tiny, pure white and raised up?

If so that is a disease called 'whitespot' or 'ich' and will need treating with medicine. It is a sign that your fish are stressed out by overcrowding, the turtles and possibly poor water too. Healthy fish don't get ich.

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