Really Struggling To Treat Costia


Fish Crazy
Sep 19, 2005
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Colchester, Essex
A few months ago, I had a costia infestation in my tank. The problem I've had is that I have some very sensitive critters in that tank and what treatment will kill the costia will also kill one or other of my inhabitants. I've been knocking the costia back every now and again with half doses of Waterlife Protozin but never got rid of it completely. All the critters (betta, panda corys, oto and cherry shrimp) came out fine through this treatment but my first lot of cherry shrimp babies JUST started hatching yesterday! I'm guessing they'll be much more sensitive to the Protozin than the adults and I really don't want to kill them off with another half dose that will inevitably just postpone the rise of the costia once more.
So, in short, I have no idea what to treat them with that will ONLY kill the costia. I have some potassium permanganate that I've used successfully with fancy goldfish but they're much more hardy than anything I have in my tropical tank. So that's option A. Option B is Protozin at a full dose. Risky, yes. But what choice do I have? Even if I took out the shrimp during treatment, that would only reintroduce the costia when I reintroduce the shrimp. That and the corys are only really tolerant to a half dose (say the instructions) so it's risky for them too.
I'm a bit lost really. Are there any other treatments out there anyone can suggest that would be safe?

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