Real Fish Food


New Member
Mar 21, 2014
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Hey all,
So I'm considering feeding my fish (1 gourami and 3 danios) food other than the store bought food flakes. I'm wondering who else is doing this and your successes. Do you make your food? Do you feed your fish live food? Please, any suggestions would be great. 
Well i sometimes feed my carnivores salad shrimp, or frozen tilipia and then just fresh fish i catch. Other than flake i use shrimp pellets and algae wafers, i need to get some massivore pellets though. 
Some live brine shrimp will go down a treat once or twice a week. Live daphnia or bloodworms also. You don't need to think about algae wafers or shrimp pellets as these are for bottom dwellers/feeders.
Flakes should be the staple though. Live food just a supplement. You can also try frozen or freeze dried. It's interesting to see how mad they go for different things, or not... :)
Thank you for the suggestions. Ill be looking for this stuff this weekend and over the next couple weeks, see what makes them happy.

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