Re-scaping My Tank


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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today i started the work on rescaping my tank, i wanted a different look, i wanted to give my scape some height and wanted it to have a lush planted look (which is still im still in the process of). i drained out the whole tank and saved as much of my old water as i could. i put my remaining 1 fish in a bucket with the filter and heater and the plants (my other espei rasboras had died of for unknown reason), i then took out as much sand as i could and pushed the dirt to the left side of the tank to make a slope coming down from the left side, then i put the sand back on top of the dirt.

i began to put my hardscape in place which i am quite pleased with for once, i recently went out and found some nice rocks to scape my tank with, here is a pic of the hardscape


whilst i was out looking for rocks i picked up some wood too, but i decided against using it because i didnt know if it was safe or not, i just picked a piece out of the few i already bought.

in with the remaining plants i have, cryptocoryne pondederifolia. also have loads of baby java ferns that need to be added and a bit of cryptocoryne balansae but that doesnt seem to be growing for me :(


so far so good i think :)
started to fill my tank and look what has happened


oops hehe, that will be because of the dirt and sand! well im just waiting on it to clear now so i can add in the baby java ferns and the crypt balansae hopefully it will decide to grow nicely for me :) i'll put up another pic when its cleared and been topped up.

and dont worry i will be getting my lonely espei rasbora lots of espei friends, probably this weekend. he's been on his own for a while but seems to be holding out well though :) i was also thinking of getting some kuhli's but had been thinking maybe a betta would look good in this setup when its been planted out properly

any suggestions for some foreground plants, i wanted something that is thin leaved, i was thinking of crypt willisii, any other suggestions. im not quite sure what plants will go in the back, i want to try vals again but last time they didnt grow for me just slowly died off, but that was before i had a dirt substrate, maybe that would make a difference in growth.

im trying to keep an asian theme to my tank so any plant suggestions for a medium light dirt set up would be great :D

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