Re-doing The Dp Tank


Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2010
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Hi all. I now have the dwarf puffer tank I helped my fiance set up back in January. Today is day 4 since I got them...and I can't take how horrible the tank looks anymore. I just finished rinsing the black sand I purchased for it, and I believe that is ready to go in the tank. I have a bunch of live plants already for it, most were already in it..but I bought some more amazon swords and have some java ferns and crypt to go in there. I won't be able to really tear it apart I have to work in the morning. I'm hoping to work on it tomorrow after I get off of work. I need to catch the puffers, otos and shrimp again and remove them to a couple tupperware containers for a bit while I work on the tank. (or the few spare betta tanks I have which are 2.5 gals while I work on it).

I still need to get the slate I ordered awhile back from my fiance, so I can get that in there...but for now, I found a nice looking fake branch I'll be putting in, as well as a few river rocks and of course all the live plants (and then some)back in. It's also been overtaken by duckweed on the

So, before I post pics of the tank currently (and also before I truly start tearing the tank apart), I want to ask what is the best way to go about everything without stressing the fish too badly?


So, I redid the tank tonight! Everyone so far is acting quite well.

here's pics! (more to come once the water settles and I get it topped off)


Some of the inhabitants

looks good, black background would look awesome, would really bring out the plants and aid hiding the heater. :)

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