Fish Fanatic
heya. quick questions on the red cherry shrimp if anyone wouldnt mind helping me out!
1. can i keep them in my 55gallon when its cycled which will have ~10 black ruby barbs, ~10 dwarf neon rainbowfish, and a host of corys? or will the adults become food?
2. will they breed like mad and leave me with too many of them? or will the barbs etc eat all babies they find and control the population?
1. can i keep them in my 55gallon when its cycled which will have ~10 black ruby barbs, ~10 dwarf neon rainbowfish, and a host of corys? or will the adults become food?
2. will they breed like mad and leave me with too many of them? or will the barbs etc eat all babies they find and control the population?