Ram Id And Sexing


Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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Today i gave my LFS my Dwarf Gouramis as i have had fish going missing and they are the only fish big enought to eat my Cardinal tetras :(

I replaced them with 2 rams that i asked if they would be ok and read up great reveiws on how peaceful they are.

But i need your help. Are them bolivian rams or german rams? Also im told one is male and one is female can anyone confirm this is correct?


Male and female german blue rams. The female has the purple belly.

Great pictures btw! :)
Thank you im a bit of a camera freak love to use it but hate a camera being used on me :lol:

Good to hear i have a male and a female but the funny thing is he was telling me the difference and it went straight though me more then once and i didnt want to seem rude asking a 4th time :lol:

I think there stunning and so much nicer then the fish they replaced.
Oh :(

Temp is set at 24C.

every one seems fine at the moment. Ive got Platy, Corys, Rams, Tetra and a goldring loach. Should i make a temp change?
Are you sure they're a pair, minnnt? The 'male' doesn't have male looking anal or dorsal fins :/

It's one of the problems with rams that they do need higher temps than most other fish are comfortable with. They do best at about 28°C/82°F, but your other fish aren't going to like it much.
The lack of a pink belly and such vibrant other colouration in the left hand side fish made me think that it is male. It also has imo a typical male body shape. ????
Panda Corydoras would be best swapped with something like Sterbai, who will cope with 27/28C far better in the long term.
Is it worth maybe upping it to 25-26 i read that the the following online:-

Cardinal Tetra : 23-27
Platy : 16 - 25
Albino Corys : 22 - 28
Panda Corys : 21 - 27
Goldring : 22 - 26
The lack of a pink belly and such vibrant other colouration in the left hand side fish made me think that it is male. It also has imo a typical male body shape. ????
Hmm, it's difficult, isn't? I would still go for female as it has no blue spangles in the black spot, and the dorsal and anal fins are rounded and don't extend past the end of the caudal peduncle, but I could be wrong!

OP, you might be ok at 26°C, I know some people keep them at that. Soft water with very low nitrate is the key to keeping blue rams happily, IME.
Right next confusion.

Just went to up the temp the heater making was at 25 but the thermostat reads 24? :S

On sexing i have also found this doing research on the fish now.


Reading this i would say i have a male and a female for sure
Right next confusion.

Just went to up the temp the heater making was at 25 but the thermostat reads 24? :S

The settings on heaters can be quite inaccurate. The way to set a heater is to get a thermometer, one that goes inside the tank not the kind you stick on the outside, and adjust the heater till the thermometer shows the temps you want. Ignore what the heater itself is set at.

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