ok i have a 20 gallon long and i want to start a planted tank i want to know what plants and what fish you think i should get so far i want to get:
2 otocinclus
1 clown pleco
5 neon tetras
5 cory catfish
1 german blue ram cichlid
1 badis
Can the ram and the badis live together? i will have lots of hiding places and good filtration and i keep up on my water changes this is my first time making a planted tank so pleas give me some help thanks.
2 otocinclus
1 clown pleco
5 neon tetras
5 cory catfish
1 german blue ram cichlid
1 badis
Can the ram and the badis live together? i will have lots of hiding places and good filtration and i keep up on my water changes this is my first time making a planted tank so pleas give me some help thanks.