Raising Fry In A Filter Compartment? Can It Be Done?


Fish Addict
Feb 4, 2007
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Hi all,
My honey gouramis have been breeding (some of you may have been following my thread in the gourami forum) and the last batch was a big one, and I managed to separate a lot of the fry into a separate container floating in the tank. Now, I had a lot of issues with changing the water and cleaning waste food out of the container (remember, honey gourami fry are SUPER TINY so even using just airline tubing to siphon I was still sucking them up and swirling them around) and all the ones in the container (prob about 100) died. Now when I was fiddling with the tank and had the lid off, I noticed what must be about 30-40 odd fry in the filter compartments of my tank.
This is my tank http://aquamanta.com.au/?wpsc-product=glass-aquarium-xanti-40 and as you can see its got sort of like a sump style filter built in the back of the tank, and the water movement between the compartments is actually very slow. These fry have been living back there about five days now, spread out over the different sections (although I am impressed some are somehow managing to pass THROUGH a sponge to get to the final compartment!) and I don't seem to be losing any on a rough head count.
Now, am I wrong to think that the back compartment there is probably the best, safest place they can be and better than trying to manage them in a container? They are safe from the adult fish in the tank, and there is probably plenty of muck back there for them to nibble on (I have been dropping a little bit of NLS Small Fry Starter back there once a day too) and they are living in filtered water so I don't have to fret about build up of ammonia like I was in the container - basically I am asking is it ideal to leave them there, and has anyone else ever raised any fry (intentionally or not!) in a filter compartment like this before with success? Obviously once they get a bit bigger I will move them out into the main tank, but obviously that might take a couple of months or more. But there is quite a lot of open space back there.
Editing to add before anyone says it, I don't have the ability to set up another tank right now so I am doing the best with what i have....
If you only have a single tank, as harsh as it may sound - the best option is to leave the fry to 'fend for themselves' in the tank. 
You'd need another tank to be able to 'grow out' the fry anyway. 
I has successfully grown tens of guppy fries in my filter sump..
It can and has been done..
Honey gourami are air breathers like betta though,so I can't understand how they'd survive in a sump... unless I don't have an understanding of the sump.
Looking at the pic of the tank you showed, I can see why it might be possible for them to live there for a short while.  It is not recommended but since they are there at the moment I would give them about 2 weeks and then start moving them back to a better area.  Once they start getting some size on them, they will no longer be able to all survive back there plus unless there is an ability for them to reach the surface and get air, they won't be able to live back there at all once their labyrinth organ develops. 
I made a keep net out of a fine mesh fishing net for my Molly fry.

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