Rainbowfish In Need Of Help


Aug 2, 2013
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Lol, they aren't in trouble, but I have three in a 75G (I will be getting another 3 in a week, to complete their shoal) and I wanted to know if I can get a few other fish; Tetra, Guppy, Molly, Platy, etc.. I don't know which fish would be eaten or like become stressed, and if you think I need a bigger tank, please do tell. Also, how many of each new fish could I get? And if you could suggest schooling fish (besides catfish)?
If you want to know what other fish are in the aquarium:
1 13in. Common Pleco
3 Black Khuli Loach
6 Cory Cat
3 Murray Rainbowfish
All of the fish, excluding the Rainbowfish, are fully grown(2 years).
well your tanks not to small but i think the stocking level is pretty tight and i suggest you just up the numbers of all the scholling fish, as after that theres really no room, so if you wanted to get some more species get a bigger tank or get rid of the pleco.
Well I will have to get a bigger tank, Sawmill the Pleco was my first fish and he is not leaving anytime soon, alright well thanks NC for the quick response.  

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