Ragged Betta Tail


New Member
Sep 6, 2003
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I have a betta in a bowl by itself, that I have had for almost a year now. And just within the past few days his tail has gotten all ragged on the ends. It has never happened before. I checked the water chemistry and all the parameters are normal. Is this something that happens from time to time? Any advice? I have been adding more Stress Coat, but it doesn't seem to be helping.
if he is not sick (fin rot) and everything else seems fine it could be due to old age. you say you have had him for a year already? it's possible he was already a year old in the store when you got him. congrats on taking care of your fish for so long, sounds like you have been doing all the right things. ;)
Hmm...I don't know how old he is. How do you know if it's fin rot? He doesn't look sick except for the fringe-like ends of his tail. I hate to medicate him if he doesn't need it.
Have you added any new decor or plants recently that could have damaged it? Sometimes they get their tails stuck and it rips and tears a little.
No, I haven't added anything new. But yesterday when i cleaned out his bowl, there was a dead fly in his gravel. It must have flown in there and drown. I cleaned the bowl really well, added a little more aquarium salt than usual, stress coat, and started treating with Maracyn Two. But he isn't looking good. This morning he was swimming on his side and won't leave the surface of the water. I think he must have gotten an infection from the dead fly.
BTW - How long do Bettas live?
Bettas live about two years and many times when you buy them they may already be up to a year old or older. Some can and do live longer than that but two years is average. :D :D

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