Quick Answer- Please!


Jan 15, 2012
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Sorry for the rushed post! My friend has had an ich outbreak in her new tank. I don't have all the info y'all need, I know. Just trying to help her out!
Tank is 10 gal. Set up around 4 weeks now. Stock: Betta/Ghost Shrimp/2 Khulie loaches/2 Frogs/1 oto ( I believe)
Gravel. Live plants.
I'm one for salt/heat but as I don't have much experience with those exact fish I wanted you guys opinion. Need an answer fast, about to go and find a fish store to find her some meds/salt ect. whatever you guys think best.
She just noticed it today btw.
Don't have her tank stats, sorry! I've been helping her through the cycle and so far everything has been going well. I'm one for fishless personally, but you know how it is! :)
I think you would need to remove the frogs for salt treatments and you would need to check any meds if they are tolerated by frogs, Shrimp as well may not tolerate the meds. I have successfully used the heat salt treatment with Kuhli Loaches and with otos and with Red Cherry Shrimp in my planted tanks. 
If you're unsure you could use half dose of salt and just do the treatment at least on week longer than the normal 14 days after the day of the last time a spot was seen.
ETA you may need to remove the filter media to prevent the meds from killing the beneficial bacteria. 

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