Questions, Many Questions


Fish Gatherer
Mar 14, 2010
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So I set up my new Fluval 125 on Wednesday and I have a few various questions.

Details are:

Filter : Tetratec Ex1200

Lights: 1 x Power-glo 24" 20w T8
1 x Aqua-glow 24" 20w T8

Light time: 8 hours a day

Substrate: TMC Aquagrow

Ferts/Co2: Currently nothing except for the sustrate obviously

Temp: 24oc

1. My first and most important question relates to algae. In my old tank I had real problems with black and green algae. I really really want to prevent this happening again and I figure prevention is better than cure. How can I make sure I don't have problems this time?

2. Flow: I have the spray bar going about two thirds of the way along the back top of the tank. Is this the best place for the plants/algae prevention? Should it go the whole way along the top? How much flow should I have?

3. Is it ok if the light fitting dips slightly into the water? Also, I've dropped the end in like twice already! I'm finding the 3 part lid of the fluval takes a bit of getting used to!

4. Due to the TMC and bogwood my PH is about 6! That's good for plants generally though isn't it?

5. My plants came from Aqua essentials mixed box for a 125 L. I think some of them may be technically "high light" though. Stupidly I threw away the card that told me what the plants are but here's a pic of what it looks like now:

Can you see any plants that are going to be a problme with my current set up? Bearing in mind I really want to prevent algae too.

5. Finally, I've tried to arrange the plants the best I can but I'm always open to suggestions of how to improve my scape. Some of you have some lovely looking tanks so any suggestion would be welcome.

Sorry there's so many questions, just really want to get my tank/scape right this time.
Best way to start off a new scape.Daily water changes of up to 50%.After that, ease off to weekly changes.
Plenty of flow (at least 10x), decent ferts once a week.With that lighting you should be ok without co2
yes it's a lot of work, but chances are all those new plants will shed/melt a bit whilst they adjust to your tank.The water changes help remove organic waste that algae will use.
Since i've adopted this method, virtually no algae.
Some plants might not work for you, swap for others that may.
Prune any leaf that's dying off.Keep the tank clean.
Consider Amano shrimp & Oto's.
Thanks. Oh yeah, I like Otos. They eat algea do they? I'm on the fully/over stocked side at the mo though. :(

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