Questions, Getting My First Angels!


Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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I've been reading, and I thought I wanted to get GBR in my South American Biotope, but I did a lot of reading about them, and they don't really suit my stocking list.  So I decided on Angel fish instead! I have a few questions about them.
I've read you can have 5 Angels in a 55 gallon community tank, is this true?!  That seems like an awful lot considering adult size...
Do Angel fish get along with Glowlight Tetras, and Guppies?  I have 10 Glowlights, and 2 Guppies, and I'd rather them not get eaten, but I've heard conflicting information on both of those with Angels.
Do they need a well planted tank? 
What's your favorite color of Angel fish? (Not really important, just wondering! Mine's albino! 

That's it for now.  I may remember more questions later lol.
Betta_Shark5678 said:
I've been reading, and I thought I wanted to get GBR in my South American Biotope, but I did a lot of reading about them, and they don't really suit my stocking list.  So I decided on Angel fish instead! I have a few questions about them.
I've read you can have 5 Angels in a 55 gallon community tank, is this true?!  That seem is like an awful lot considering adult size... i wouldnt put 5 angels in a 55 community. you could wait for them to pair up and keep a pair though
Do Angel fish get along with Glowlight Tetras, and Guppies?  I have 10 Glowlights, and 2 Guppies, and I'd rather them not get eaten, but I've heard conflicting information on both of those with Angels. no, they might eat both when bigger
Do they need a well planted tank?  no, ive seen people kind them with very few plants and alot of driftwood
What's your favorite color of Angel fish? (Not really important, just wondering! Mine's albino! 
orange and black (kind of like a tiger
That's it for now.  I may remember more questions later lol.
Thanks! I wasn't sure about the 5 in a 55 gallon, that seemed like a little much...
I've heard that if they grow up with the tetras they can be okay?  Is this true?  I might be able to get another tank just in case, but would I be able to try?  I'd have the tank by the end of May.  
That's good to know, my tank is only moderately planted, with lots of rocks, and soon lots of driftwood! 
That's cool! I've never seen one like that before.  
I wouldnt keep more than 2 in a 55 gallon. They prey on tetras in the wild so I would avoid smaller types of fish. I don't think plants matter too much to them. My favorite would have to be the all black kind.
if the teras are deep bodied, and/or bigger than 3in. i would say they would be fine
you can keep angels with some larger tetras, and most barbs, but make sure the tetras and barbs are big and are in numbers, i have 3 angels in a 330L tank with 6 to 8 green tiger barbs they squabble now and then but no damage done so far, 
in a 55Gal tank i would say 1 or 2 max, 3 is pushing it but angels can get big, need a lot of height in the tank not so much length or depth.
i have a well planted tank, and it dose help the angels makes them able to hide from one another if need be, BUT you don't need to be planted they are mostly found in non planted tanks up to you tbh if you want to go down planted the well done and good luck haha plants are far more complicated and awkward than fish :D
and my fav colour is either the silver n black stripe of the black marbled with some yellow in them :D i do fancy getting a koi one at some point in future tho :D
check out my journal may help answer some questions :D
I've kept angels with tetras, guppies, and rummys and never had any trouble what so ever. Depends on the angel I guess.
Well as of last night I only have one more guppy, and if this continues the last one will be dead any day
  She showed no signs of illness until a few hours before she died, and then she looked like she was about to die any minute.  Tested last Tuesday:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 20
pH - 6
pH is low for livebearers I guess, so that could be part of it?  Though they've been in there for 2 months, so idk...
I have Glowlight tetras, do you think that would be a problem?  
I've heard they work perfectly, and I've also heard they'll get eaten, so has anybody had their angels eat their glowlights?  
I was thinking about 2, could you have 2 in a 45 gallon also, if it's tall enough?  
I might be getting a 45 gallon too, so I could get 4, let them pair up and then put 2 in the 45 gallon?  I don't feel comfortable getting 6 and then rehoming 4 of them, I wouldn't trust them with anyone, unless I knew they could take care of them right, and no one I know can/will do that. 

I love the way well planted tanks look, but I don't like letting plants touch lol, I don't know why, but I can't stand them being that close together in my tanks.  So moderately planted works best for me!
I have seen all black ones, silver and black striped ones, and black marbles before, my favorite out of those is silver and black striped! They sold the only albino they had at my lfs, so that's my next choice! 
that ph is probaly the problem. that is way to low for guppies. i would either keep angels in pairs (mated piars, not just 2) or in groups greater than 3
I figured that was probably part of it.  
Turns out that I'm not getting a 45 gallon... So how many could I keep in my 55 gallon?
Alrighty! Thanks.  How can you tell if a pair is mating at the pet store? :p If I can I'd love a mated pair, but if not I'll go with a single.
you cold buy one, or buy 6 small ones, then in about 2 months they might pair up, and you keep the pair you want, and sell the rest. there is no way to sex angelfish though.
I'm just going to buy one then.  The only way I'd get rid of the other 4 is if I gave them back to the pet store, or put them on craigslist, plus I don't have the money to spend on 6 angel fish if I'm only keeping two.  I knew there wasn't anyway to sex them, but I was hoping that they would pair up in the pet store, and I don't know exactly how they'd act if they were paired in the pet store.

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