Electric Warrior
Hello. So I have a 200L tank that has been established for about 2 months now, with no problems at all so far (knock wood). I did a fishless cycle that took about 7 weeks, where I had a PH crash a few times, so I had to use BOS to keep it in the high 7's along with several massive wc's to lower high nitrate. Stats have been good, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5ppm. Mt tank is planted, and contains some bogwood, Indian almond leaves, which I k now do lower PH. My PH is now at 6.4. Its started out at about 6.6 when I first started the tank, and it stayed this way for about 6 weeks, until a few weeks ago, when it gradually started to drop to 6.4. My question is can expect my tank to settle at around this PH now that it has been up and running for a few months, or is it possible that it could continue to gradually drop over a period of more time? This PH level is fine for my fish, since they all prefer slightly soft, acidic water, but i don't want to have a crash further down the road. My water is soft; GH is 4, KH is 3. Thoughts?