Question About Fish

I do, just the two though with some tetras and loaches. Think that's reasonable, although if it doesn't work out they can move tanks but all seems to be going ok so far.... Dont think they need huge tanks as they're not exactly strong fast swimmers, as long as they have room to grow and it's tall enough...
It's best to either have a single angel, a goup of around 6 or get a group of say 6 and let 2 naturally pair up and then sell the rest. This avoids any possible aggression issues.

Also angels need tall tanks. At least 18 inches tall but the more being better :)
ive read around and saw that either having just one or a pair is better than a group of them cus of their aggression and that they need tall tanks

thanks guys :)
Yes but it has to be a natural pair not just any 2 angel so you need to buy a group to start with and let them pair up and then rehome the rest :) lots of people keep groups of around 6 too. Easiest thing would be to have a single :)

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