Pseudotropheus Breeding Help Needed


New Member
Dec 9, 2013
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Hey guys,
About 2-3 Months ago i bought a breeding colony of Pseudotropheus Saulosi Mbunu's. The guy sold them to me as 2m 5f which he was very wrong. turns out to be 4m 3f (males hiding their blue colour) so i seperated and got rid of most the males. 
about a week after i put these guys in my tank i had a holding female with 11 eggs, after a few days i stripped her and put them in a tumbler. but overnight the tumbler got loose and all the eggs were eaten when i woke up. few weeks later there was another holding female, this time 10 eggs. all of which have made it and are loving life in their own tank. But since then, no matter what i try o do to encorouge them, they wont breed anymore :(
temperature is at around 25-26 degree's celsius. PH is always between 7.5 and 8, the filter is an aquaone hang-on filter and just a general 150W heater. and they are in a 80 litre tank.
Can somebody please help me with this problem!
Thanks in advanced :)
Feed them more frozen, dry or live foods.
It always made my yellow labs happy
Its been a while since I kept Mbuna, providing the females are ready I wonder if adding another male the rivalry might get the sap rising !!!
edit... Or try using a mirror in front of the tank !

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