Proud Newbie In Need Of Advice!


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Jul 16, 2013
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Oxfordshire, UK
Hello all,
My name is Charlie, and have just entered the exciting world of Tropical Fishkeeping! 

Recently I have been looking at so many topics on this site and trying to learn as much as i can. But is almost overwhelming what I need to learn, fishless cycling, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates etc etc. Feel like I'll need a degree in this before even going any further with my new tank! 

But I shall endeavour to do the very best I can and in keeping whatever types of fish I eventually decide on to be as healthy and as happy as can be.
Having said all that, I am the proud owner of a Fluval Roma 90Litre tank from Pets at Home (best I could get on my budget!) and am currently undergoing a Fishless Cycle. I am at day 6 of this, and all appears to be going quite well. I did have a bit of cloudiness at the start, believe probably due to do with new gravel not being cleaned completely and the water did clear up within a few days. Whew!

Now, I know some of you guys will have heard some of my questions a million times from other newbies but I would greatly appreciate any advice given for any of the following:-
1 - When I was setting up my tank, I did not add anything to the water except Nutrafin Aqua Plus water conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramine to make tap water safe. I did not add any ammonia to kick start the Fishless Cycle as I could not get hold of any until today. Do I need to add ammonia now?
2 - I have noticed that some of my tank equipment is now coved in a very fine film of slime, is this normal? Could this be the tank developing the bacteria needed?
3 - Live plants are in my tank and I did clean/rinse them in running water before adding to my tank. Already I have noticed there is some algae growing on the plants, is this normal at this stage? (I am running on 2 T8 lights, PowerGlo and PowerAqua for maximum of 10 hours a day with filter, airstone running continuously)
4 - I have found 2 snails that are in my new tank, probably hitchhiked in with new plants despite my efforts to make sure the new plants were clean before going into the tank!! I believe they are common pond snails. I don't mind them at all but am I best to leave them as believe they eat algae from plants or better to take them out as I have read in other forums they breed literally like rabbits! Or perhaps even in future I could get a couple of Assassin Snails to take care of them?
You can take a look at pic to get idea of my tank setup.
Any advice for any of the above would be fab! 
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Much appreciated 


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Hi, :hi: to the forum.
1. Yes, you need to add the correct amount of ammonia for the cycle to start. The bacteria need a source of ammonia to start growing so without adding ammonia, you have a very little amount of bacteria.
2. I would assume that the slime is algae. This is perfectly normal in newly set up tanks with plants.
3. That is perfectly fine.
    I would recommend that you only have the lights on for 6-8 hours to stop lots of algae growing.
4. Snails are fine but they will multiply like crazy. You can either get a snail trap, some assassin snails, remove them by hand or leave them.
Nice tank btw!
Do you have any ideas on what you want to stock?
Lovely, thanks for that. Thats good to know am on right track so far. I will add Ammonia asap and will reduce light time to 8 hours max.

A couple of nice Swordtails to start with perhaps, a few Ghost Shrimps maybe but don't want any complicated or difficult fish as am a newbie, lovely Plecos or Angels a no no at moment esp with my size of tank.

Any recommendations for a newbie like me to start with? Also am a bit unsure how many fish can have for that size tank.
 i always reccomend guppies but there plenty of options for a 90 liter
Guppies are pretty nice looking fish, have seen them and apparently fairly good for beginners like me. Might get a few of them but still pretty undecided as so many to choose from!!
true about that they all can be with each other so it doesnt matter remeber ratio is 3 f 1m i would reccomend cobra s adn endlers livebearers my two favorite.
ghost shrimp are cool! but literally i see mine once a week, i would get the red nose shrimp.  you will not see your ghost shrimp.
Guppies would be a good choice though I would recommend you getting all males, otherwise you will end up with HEAPS of fry.
A single Honey Gourami could make a nice centre piece.
Maybe a shoal of Cardinal/Neon tetras? 
You could have four male Guppies, one Honey Gourami and 8 Cardinal/Neon tetras.
Wow, lots of good advice there from you all. Thanks for these

Especially about not seeing Ghost Shrimps often and getting Red Nose Shrimps, had a quick look for pics and can see they are different, cool!
Not thought about Enders or Cobras before, looks kinda cool and I like the way Endlers look with their different body colouring, nice tip! Thanks

But I am now poring over books, internet, this forum for all kinds of fish and still there are far too many choices!!!
Will let you guys know a shortlist of potential choices and how many once have figured out how many fish can have! Thanks again
I've added my first dose of ammonia this morning and also reset timer to give max of 8 hours light per day. 
This is fast becoming an obsession! Every time I go into my pet store I walk straight to the fish tanks on display with fish and deliberate for ages what fish I would like to keep. My girlfriend is getting pretty fed up with me!!
Also its the first thing I think of upon waking up in morning and last thing at night!!!
As I keep changing my mind as to what would like in my 90L tank, this shortlist is definitely subject to change!!
4 x Endlers or Guppies
6 x Tetras (Cardinal or Neon, not decided on which type yet)
2 x Triple Red Cichlid or Ruby Red Peacock
4 x Blue Shrimps
1 or 2 Assassin Snail
Is that about right numbers for my sized tank or is that overstocked? Also will they get on, no aggression or anything like that? Hopefully none of these will be too difficult for a beginner.
i dont know bout the chiclids i only trust GBR and kribensis with my guppies.other than that its fine remeber female 2 male 1 ratio in all livebeares
I'd go for endlers, males only unless you want hundreds of fry.
I'd also go for cardinals over neons, slightly bigger & imo more colourful.
The cichlid may munch the shrimp & blues aren't cheap, cichlid keepers would advise better on that.
I wouldn't go for assassins unless you have a snail problem, I'd have a nerite or two, they'd keep on top if any algae & you would at least see them in the tank, assassins tend to bury themselves
Lillefishy- thats great advice, did not know cichlids might munch the shrimps!
Glad i asked on this forum before had my heart set on cichlids!
ncguppy830 - Had a quick look at some pics of Kribensis, fabulous looking fish! Wow

Still debating about snails to be honest, only want them really for algae control and I do have 3 common pond snails in tank at the moment, came in with new plants but don't want hundreds of snails in near future if they breed!
Good to know about Nerites not being able to breed in FW and are good at algae cleanup. Thanks for that.
Think will get rid of those 3 snails in tank before they multiply!!!

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