Problems With Plants


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2013
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In my 29 gallon I am having some problems with select plants. I have a plain gravel substrate. I have grown amazon swords just fine in this tank.
I had NO luck with saggitaria sublata and I am beginning to worry about my jungle val. They have runners/plantlets coming off of them in every different direction which I thought was a good sign but one of my val has completely withered away and I have noticed the base of the stem on some of the others are turning
I bought Flourish root tabs today but the Val have been in the tank for 3 weeks and I dose with liquid co2. I have one light which is a t8 floramax plant bulb.
Any idea what the problem could be?
Vals are very sensitive to liquid CO2. I would stop dosing full doses and do a 1/3 dose, 1/2 dose, 3/4 dose, and then start doing full doses.
Another thing is the white base of the plant (crown of it) shouldn't be buried. You may need to pull runners out of the ground as you see them to keep them from dying.
EllieJellyEllie said:
Vals are very sensitive to liquid CO2. I would stop dosing full doses and do a 1/3 dose, 1/2 dose, 3/4 dose, and then start doing full doses.
Another thing is the white base of the plant (crown of it) shouldn't be buried. You may need to pull runners out of the ground as you see them to keep them from dying.
thanks for the info on CO2, the crowns of the plants aren't buried and for now I'm just letting the runners root themselves. The runners are greener than the mother plants
I have Sagittaria in my 29 gl and have come to the conclusion that not enough light is getting to the bottom. I have a more powerful light coming this week so can do a carpet type plant. I figured this out because I put the same plants in my ten gl with a regular t8 aquarium bulb and they grow like crazy in there. My 29 has 2 t5 one daylight and one colormax and anything at the bottom withers. I can't wait to get my new lights!
stanleo said:
I have Sagittaria in my 29 gl and have come to the conclusion that not enough light is getting to the bottom. I have a more powerful light coming this week so can do a carpet type plant. I figured this out because I put the same plants in my ten gl with a regular t8 aquarium bulb and they grow like crazy in there. My 29 has 2 t5 one daylight and one colormax and anything at the bottom withers. I can't wait to get my new lights!
I would like to get a dual t5 fixture in the near future but I don't know if it will fit on my current hood

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