In my 29 gallon I am having some problems with select plants. I have a plain gravel substrate. I have grown amazon swords just fine in this tank.
I had NO luck with saggitaria sublata and I am beginning to worry about my jungle val. They have runners/plantlets coming off of them in every different direction which I thought was a good sign but one of my val has completely withered away and I have noticed the base of the stem on some of the others are turning
I bought Flourish root tabs today but the Val have been in the tank for 3 weeks and I dose with liquid co2. I have one light which is a t8 floramax plant bulb.
Any idea what the problem could be?
I had NO luck with saggitaria sublata and I am beginning to worry about my jungle val. They have runners/plantlets coming off of them in every different direction which I thought was a good sign but one of my val has completely withered away and I have noticed the base of the stem on some of the others are turning
I bought Flourish root tabs today but the Val have been in the tank for 3 weeks and I dose with liquid co2. I have one light which is a t8 floramax plant bulb.
Any idea what the problem could be?