I have five mollies in a community tank, two males and three females (plus a few baby mollies). My problem is, as I was given these fish by a friend I wasn't able to pick and choose, and therefore I now own one very alpha male and a very beta one. The alpha one is a jerk, he's overly energetic, never stops mating with the females and is aggressive to the other male. The other male has a hiding spot in a plant where he spends pretty much all of his time. He is still healthy but he knows the second he comes out he'll be chased.
I don't know what to do, I know I need to give one of these males to an aquarium store but I don't know which. I assume the aggressive molly is the right one to give away? While he's pretty entertaining I feel bad for the other one always having to hide.
Also on a side note is anyone able to help me with an issue with my silver tetra? His mouth is constantly open and there is red behind his gills.
Thank you
I don't know what to do, I know I need to give one of these males to an aquarium store but I don't know which. I assume the aggressive molly is the right one to give away? While he's pretty entertaining I feel bad for the other one always having to hide.
Also on a side note is anyone able to help me with an issue with my silver tetra? His mouth is constantly open and there is red behind his gills.
Thank you