Problem With Cardinal Tetra's Tail And White Spot

David J

Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
East Lothian, Scotland

This morning one of my cardinals has his tail missing. Where it was is sore looking and pink coloured. The fish itself is swimming around albeit a little slower but it seems fine. I don't see the tail lying anywhere. It was fine yesterday.

In the tank I also have 7 lemon tetra and 4 other cardinal tetra. The cardinals were added on Friday and there were 7 but one died a few hours later and another died yesterday morning.

Here are links to a couple of pics. Does anyone have any idea what has caused this? Could the lemon tetras have attacked it? I haven't seen the lemons show any sort of aggression towards the cardinals at all. A couple of the lemons are quite territorial and they chase each other but never the cardinals. Or could it be a disease of some kind? I wonder if I should remove it from the tank although I do. It have a quarantine tank.

On close inspection, all 5 cardinal tetra have what appears to be white spot. Each fish has numerous white spots. What do I do?


The amount of issues I had with those fish made me switch to different fish.
Anyhow if you think it's white spot make sure you don't get confused with fungus etc.
I'd treat the entire tank with white spot treatment, you'll find these in LFS and if not there easily found online.
Hi Techen

I know what you mean. I've had a couple die since getting them but I'm also aware this might be because my tank is only a couple of months old. The more I read about the cardinals, the more I start to feel as you do.

I phoned my local Maidenhead Aquatics who were very good. The offered to take them back and replace or refund etc. They also said I could treat the white spot but explained the issues the treatment can cause if I have or intend to have any invertebrates in the tank. I do intend on having Shri,p in the future so in the end, due to that and the other issues with cardinals I decided to return them.

When I got them in, the inspected them and said it was definately white spot on all of them but the one with the missing tail wasn't attacked, it was a fungal infection. They reckon there may have been a small injury on the fish before I got it and with all the usual stress of moving etc, it developed into what I saw this morning.

I'm sad about taking them back but I really didn't want to medicate the tank without being able to properly read up on it first and consider the ups and downs of doing something that I may later regret. I'll now look into another type of fish instead of the cardinals as I've learnt the hard way.

They used to be very hardy fish but nowadays this has changed, I believe it's due to poor breeding etc. 
Anyway if there was two infections in that tank I suggest maybe treating the tank for these things anyway, At a risk any infection can still stay in the tank and put your other fish at risk. Very annoying but it's entirely up to yourself, You could leave it and see how it goes anyhow.
And yea, Some treatments have copper based stuff which will kill shrimp etc.
I'll need to give it some consideration. I want to treat it but I'd rather not if it could cause me problems with future stocking. I might wait week and keep a close eye on the 7 lemon tetra which are the only inhabitants just now. They look great and id swear they've grown quite a bit in the 9 days since I got them so seem to be doing well.


The only thing I can suggest is if you do treat for it, Run carbon after it which will remove it.
Hi again,

This evening I see my Lemon Tetra all have white spot. They've been clear since the cardinals went. Today is the first time ive noticed it. The fish seem fine in themselves. When the cardinals had white spot I was reluctant to medicate the tank because of the fact that my future shrimp won't like it. Now that the lemon tetra have it, returning them just isn't an option as we love them. So, I've decided I will medicate the tank and if that means I can't get shrimp then so be it. I've turned the temp up from about 24-25 to 27-28.

Am I right in saying carbon will definitely remove any meds, leaving the tank safe for shrimp?

Either way, I'll pick up some medication tomorrow and medicate the tank when I get home tomorrow night? Is the timescale between now and then too much? Will the fish cope until then? I am working 9-6pm and can only pick up the medication at luchtime but wouldn't have time to get home until after work.



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