David J
This morning one of my cardinals has his tail missing. Where it was is sore looking and pink coloured. The fish itself is swimming around albeit a little slower but it seems fine. I don't see the tail lying anywhere. It was fine yesterday.
In the tank I also have 7 lemon tetra and 4 other cardinal tetra. The cardinals were added on Friday and there were 7 but one died a few hours later and another died yesterday morning.
Here are links to a couple of pics. Does anyone have any idea what has caused this? Could the lemon tetras have attacked it? I haven't seen the lemons show any sort of aggression towards the cardinals at all. A couple of the lemons are quite territorial and they chase each other but never the cardinals. Or could it be a disease of some kind? I wonder if I should remove it from the tank although I do. It have a quarantine tank.
On close inspection, all 5 cardinal tetra have what appears to be white spot. Each fish has numerous white spots. What do I do?
This morning one of my cardinals has his tail missing. Where it was is sore looking and pink coloured. The fish itself is swimming around albeit a little slower but it seems fine. I don't see the tail lying anywhere. It was fine yesterday.
In the tank I also have 7 lemon tetra and 4 other cardinal tetra. The cardinals were added on Friday and there were 7 but one died a few hours later and another died yesterday morning.
Here are links to a couple of pics. Does anyone have any idea what has caused this? Could the lemon tetras have attacked it? I haven't seen the lemons show any sort of aggression towards the cardinals at all. A couple of the lemons are quite territorial and they chase each other but never the cardinals. Or could it be a disease of some kind? I wonder if I should remove it from the tank although I do. It have a quarantine tank.
On close inspection, all 5 cardinal tetra have what appears to be white spot. Each fish has numerous white spots. What do I do?

