Problem with albino cory

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Jul 31, 2022
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United States
I have a 30gl tank with 3 goldfish 2 algae eater fish I forgot the names of and one albino cory catfish. The tank has been running for over nine years. No new fish additions. I have had this cory fish for over 6 years and really like it. I found it yesterday not moving on the bottom of the tank not eating it looked dead. I was really sad and had no clue what had happened. I was about to take the fish out with a net but it swam away then stopped moving again upside down. Today I saw a little bit of gill movement and upside down in a different place. I feed the tank barely any pellets the fish mostly just eat the plants, snails, and algae in there. Any help is appreciated.
Usually if the fish is swimming upside down and/or not eating its not a good sign. Are there any other symptoms? How are your other fish?
You’ll need to give us water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, temperature) for us to know what’s going on. Corydoras are very social fish that live in groups, so this one on its own is stressed, which makes it prone to disease to start with.

The tank is also way too small for goldfish, which would be very stunted if you’ve had them for nine years.
I have a 30gl tank with 3 goldfish 2 algae eater fish I forgot the names of and one albino cory catfish. The tank has been running for over nine years. No new fish additions. I have had this cory fish for over 6 years and really like it. I found it yesterday not moving on the bottom of the tank not eating it looked dead. I was really sad and had no clue what had happened. I was about to take the fish out with a net but it swam away then stopped moving again upside down. Today I saw a little bit of gill movement and upside down in a different place. I feed the tank barely any pellets the fish mostly just eat the plants, snails, and algae in there. Any help is appreciated.
Think you starved it.

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