Problem With 1 Of My Tanks


New Member
Jun 3, 2012
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near chester connahs quay
helloo every 1 just turned the lights on my lill breeding tank and the water is cloudy but the fish are ok does any 1 no what could be the problem plz thanks
Is it cycled? Could be a bacterial bloom? If so it'll clear by it's-self anything from a few hours to maybe one or two days. Just leave it be.

But that's just a first guess.
are you sure all your fish are alive, reason i say this i had same problem, tank was fully cycled and yet for no reason my water went cloudy, turned out one of my clown loaches had died, and was starting to rot, i didnt suspect anything for a while because they would sometimes hide for days on end, so i pulled the fish out did a decent water change and next day water was crystal clear again.

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